Sunday, December 13, 2009

More fun at Angie and Jake's wedding

Cameron Keach sporting his new haircut. By the way, he loved the Candy Bar.

Steve and Marcia as happy as a kid at the Candy Bar!
Posted by PicasaCute Marie and Christine.

Wedding Day for Angie!

Proud parents of a beautiful bride.
Grady and Ayden lookin good.
Gavin with his darling kids, Luke and Afton.
Cute Grandma Keach with Cameron. Thanks for the correction, Marc. Darling boys. I hope to have such cute grandkids one day.Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Did you ever wonder where the word Ebenezer came from? I have.

"Hither by Thy Help I'm Come"October 4, 2009, Broadcast #4177
Some 3,000 years ago, Samuel the prophet led ancient Israel to victory over a powerful enemy. Samuel placed a large stone at the place of their deliverance and dedicated it as a monument to God’s assistance. He called the stone "Eben-ezer," which meant "stone of help." The stone became a symbol of the Lord’s goodness and strength.
This practice of raising memorials to divine help has deep roots in ancient Israel. Generations earlier, after the Israelites crossed the mighty Jordan River on dry ground and entered the promised land, their leader, Joshua, commanded the people to gather 12 stones from the river and build a monument. He explained that the purpose of the monument was to build faith in future generations, that "when [their] children ask . . . in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones?" they could tell their children how the Lord helped them in their hour of need.
The beloved hymn "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" alludes to this biblical practice with these words:Here I raise my Ebenezer;Hither by Thy help I’m come;And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,Safely to arrive at home.
Life is full of rivers to cross, full of challenges to overcome. However, those who see with an eye of faith understand that they did not cross their rivers alone. In a way, each of us could raise an Ebenezer, a memorial of the divine assistance, heavenly favor, and forgiveness extended to us. It may not be a monument of stone—indeed, hearts filled with humility and gratitude are the most meaningful memorials. Whatever form our memorial takes, acknowledging the help we’ve received renews our hope that by His good pleasure and in His due time, we will safely arrive at home.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I Love Technology…..

Actually, for me, technology is a love/hate relationship. Most of the time it's fun to discover a new feature on a computer program, cell phone or social networking site, but other times it's like entering into a black hole, hoping that you'll be able to find your way around without spending too much of the precious time technology is supposed to save.

I am currently taking an online class to improve my knowledge and skills in the use of Microsoft Word 2007. I'm taking this class through the Utah Education Network for educators. I enjoy the flexibility of the class time as well as the web interaction the facilitator has required.

As in all technology, playing around with it is the best way to learn, provided that there is a Help resource to turn to in case one falls into one of those black holes.

This is my article that I am going to post to my blog using a new feature I found on MS Word 2007. Woo. I almost fell into the black hole. This feature is found under the Office button on the upper left corner of the screen. Then go to Publish and Blog. Before that I'm going to make this document look really cool. :D

Friday, September 18, 2009

My wonderful parents on my mother's 84th birthday. My brothers and sisters. One brother out of town. What a great family.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Here he is, Steve Diamond. Hopefully one of Orem's next city council members. Voting in the Primary election is September 15. If he makes it through, the general election will be November 2. Encourage all your friends who live in Orem City to vote for him. They can get more of his goals and views on his website:
www.stevencdiamond.comPosted by Picasa

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Charlie's Angels-Mormon Style

I just have to show off my darling daughter and her best friend at her wedding reception. This photo was so much fun to take. It was a beautiful reception up South Fork Canyon. Christine and her friend have known each other for over 12 years. Marie and Christine are beautiful girls. I'm a lucky mom.
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Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It has been a goal and dream to hike to the top of Timpanogas since I did over ten years ago. One thing or another kept me from that goal. This year, Steve and his sister Sarah and a few others determined we would go. We set the first week of August as the time. As usual, many things came up to move the date to a different time, but we knew that it was now or never. Climbing a mountain has always been symbolic to me of what it is to live life's journey. It is long, arduous with pain and beautiful panoramas at the same moment. It takes encouragement from those with whom you share the journey. You help each other when tired or sick or hurt. You share the beautiful of the experience with others which makes the experience even that much richer. Thank you for being a part of my journey. This video shows us as we finally reach our destination. Seeing the mountain goats was a great surprise and unexpected benefit of the journey. Enjoy the other pictures, too. Let me know what you think and if you want to go with us again.

Our long but awesome journey to Emerald Lake, Timpanogos.

This is actually a picture of me at the end of a 15 plus hour hiking day. I made it with the help of Steve and these two hiking sticks.
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These pictures are going backwards from Emerald Lake down. I've got to get better at organizing my blog pictures.

On this little inlet by the lake, we collapsed and took a long, needed rest for a hour or so. Watch out for hypothermia. Christine had some effects from it. Bring a change of shirt if you have sweated a lot and a hikers silver blanket to keep the heat in.
Posted by PicasaAnthony DuBois. Great hiker. He even wants to come back after this long hike.